

Passionate about his profession,
for more than 10 years.

Charlotte Guillaume.

After more than 10 years of experience under her belt, Charlotte Guillaume, a licensed real estate agent, founded CG.Properties in 2021.

Passionate about her job, Charlotte’s attention to detail and experience in the sector will be put to good use in offering you the best service and the most appropriate advice for each situation.

CG.Properties est spécialisé dans le marché immobilier Bruxellois et ses alentours.

“Our real estate agency specializes in the sale, purchase and rental of real estate in Brussels and its surroundings. Our team consists of passionate and experienced real estate agents, we are able to provide our clients with expert advice to obtain the best results. We are attentive to the needs of our clients in order to offer them attentive and personalized service at each stage of the procedure. »


We would be delighted to discuss and advise you to carry out your real estate projects.

Charlotte works with individuals as much as in supporting real estate professionals and in the resale of their projects

Contact us

CG.Opportunity SRL

TVA BE 0793 509 488

Numéro IPI 513.944

AXA insurance number: Professional liability and guarantee via AXA Belgium – policy number: 730.390.160

Tel : 0032 498 66 01 42

E-mail : info@cgproperties.be

Contact details of the supervisory authority:  : Professional Institute of Real Estate Agents 

Rue du Luxembourg 16B à 1000 Bruxelles